Basic Maths Deluxe provides exercises covering fundamental mathematical skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The exercises are targeted for children under 12 years, and occasionally adults, with varying degrees of difficulty which can be configured accordingly.
- keypad entry (no more guesswork) and MCQ buttons (for early learners). This app also has the unique right to left keypad mode, mimicking the traditional method of solving multi-line problems (check the screenshots). The usual calculator mode where digits appear from left to right is also supported.
- specific multiplication tables eg 4 times, 5 times
- mixed mode quiz where questions involving random operators will be presented. For learners looking for variety and challenge, this is it.
- timer and sound effects
- visual feedback is provided for both correct and wrong answers.
- report card to review your performance in past exercises, including the time taken
Settings page to configure:
- Time delay before showing the next question
- Level of difficulty by setting the max and min operand values
- Display of questions either as a single-line number statement or as double-line working statement mode.

More screen shots:

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